
Crinstam Camp

This is the home of Crinstam Camp

Although we share info, pictures and videos from our current property, this is just our temporary location until we find land to start building permanently. We're currently in Northern Ontario near Cochrane & Timmins.

Tom, Nicole, Gracie and Luna live off grid using solar panels and batteries for electrical needs, heat with wood, carry water in by jug and dispose of our wastes off property in registered dumping spots. Our current home is a 40 year old travel trailer.

Note that this is a simple html website with zero data collection, sign ins, cookies or other invasive measures. Any links that lead off our site are surrounded by triple asterixes, ***link***

The eventual permanent location of our camp will be in Northern Ontario in an unorganized township, far from civilization, with the only connections to the outside world being road or water access and cellular service.

This website, our temporary location, our future location and all other things associated with us have some base rules that will always apply.


Videos - ***Crinstam Camp Channel on MakerTube***


Our version of off-grid living.


How we got here


Where we are going - in progress
